
Stage Dreams Youth Theater

Now registering for The Little Mermaid Jr - Kids K - 12

August 29, 2013

Stage Dreams Youth Theater kicks off its second year with its fall Dream Class production of Disney’s “The Little Mermaid Jr.” in which enrolled students meet once a week for 14 weeks, culminating in a two-show performance for friends, family and the community. 
No experience is necessary, and students grow by learning and experiencing all stages of the performance process, including auditioning, acting, singing, dancing and more.

There are four class locations and times from which to choose:
4 to 6 p.m. Tuesdays or
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
at Happy Valley Baptist Church, 24220 N. 43rd Ave., Glendale;

4 to 6 p.m. Thursdays or
6:30 to 8-30 p.m.
at Joy Christian School, 21000 N. 75th Ave., Glendale.

Classes begin the week of Sept. 16. There are also parent open houses scheduled from 4 to 6 p.m. Sept. 3 and 5 (at Happy Valley Baptist Church), Sept. 10 and 12 (at Joy Christian School), where parents can learn more and interact with the instructors.
In addition to its Dream Class, Stage Dreams Youth Theater also offers four- or six-week stage classes that focus on particular musical theater performance skills, such as acting or voice instruction. Classes start throughout the fall season, with the first class beginning Aug. 28. Each class meets once a week on Wednesdays from either 4 to 5 or 5 to 6 p.m. at Horizons Community Church, 14120 N. 79th Ave., Peoria. Class time depends on age group and ends with a performance where the students can show off their enhanced skills.
Stage Dreams Youth Theater is a family-centered and educational theater program providing the opportunity for children in grades K-12 to learn and grow theatrical skills, build confidence and friendships while participating in and enjoying the theater experience.
The theater company strives to provide high-quality, expert instruction to all skill levels while allowing students to maintain a well-balanced family life. The program offers both the opportunity to learn and grow as a performer and also the ability to partner with a professional stage crew to experience that craft, if they choose.
Learn more about Dream and Stage class programs and register online at